
My mother placed me in an educational institution when I was five, and I remained in one ever since! However, much learning is available away from organised set-ups. Sharing experiences is a wonderful human activity.

Sunday, January 02, 2011


People who intend on improving their lives come up with a string of resolutions at the start of a new year. New year's resolutions might also have a negative bent. But generally speaking most New Year's Resolutions target positive outcomes. The variety is too numerous to be exhaustive. They have become a yearly ritual, or personal liturgy, if you like. The strong willed keep their positive new year's commitments or resolutions. The weaker falter by the wayside.

Leafing the pages of an old Family Journal, tucked among the store-aways in the attic, which has been collecting top dust for a number of years, had a welcoming but challenging citation, which is very apt for this time of the new year 2011. The manuscript read on the very first page:

"I tried and tried,
I read and read,
Here now and there then,
To find a fitting citation,
To welcome you here.
But, alas ! The many ones
I found all lack
Either this or that.
So here you are
With mine, grand or bare.
Do look upon ancestory with pride,
Hoping posterity to be bright.

Hoping for a bright posterity requires all the good new year's resoltions we can make. We need only keep them.

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