
My mother placed me in an educational institution when I was five, and I remained in one ever since! However, much learning is available away from organised set-ups. Sharing experiences is a wonderful human activity.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Eloquent silence.

Say it loud:”It is all in the mind !”

Noise is sometimes unbearable. So is silence.

The reference is not to environments with a high degree of decibles. But it refers to long and interminable periods of time when people are exposed to lengthy and tiresome presentations of “facts” that appear so to the authors. But in actual fact they may be very far from the truth. Truth itself is an elusive commodity. No one on earth, neither in to-day’s environment or in the past, was clever enough to come up with a satisfactory answer. Truth is often subject to perceptions and bias.

On the other hand, keeping mum limits the semination of ideas, it restricts the spectrum of arguing. On top of all some believe that silence is consent. This dilemma is only managed by the expression of beliefs divested from prejudice, bias and shades of meaning. Innuenendos do not help at all. One can give different meanings to the same stated statement. In fact the moment a statement is made, especially in writing, it opens a sesame for interpretations. One can say a lot of things only by inference.

Say it loud, “It’s all in the mind.”

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