
My mother placed me in an educational institution when I was five, and I remained in one ever since! However, much learning is available away from organised set-ups. Sharing experiences is a wonderful human activity.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Fact and/or fiction !

"What is truth?" and when he said this, he went out....
Obviously, this is an open-ended question, applicable to many situations, with hardly ever a definite answer. What is believed to be the truth may be infestd with shades of meaning, with perceptions,perspectives and mental restrictions.That is why a slight editing in a clip, a sly innuendo or an intentional bias creates, sometimes, havoc in human relationships. It is evident that the objective behind a source makes all the difference, and may 'lead' to mis'leading'. Given a generally docile human nature we all believe what we hear. And the slogans that come first are taken easily for granted. First impressions last longer!
Considering that even seemingly scientific absolutes lose much credibility when tested. What seemed so clear, so undeniably precise lost much of its power when the question of relativity came into focus.
Is it at all possible, then, to sieve the wheat from the chaff ?
What do you think ?

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