
My mother placed me in an educational institution when I was five, and I remained in one ever since! However, much learning is available away from organised set-ups. Sharing experiences is a wonderful human activity.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

A healthy mind in a healthy body.

A healthy mind in a healthy body.
Mens sana in corpore sano.

Awareness to good health is to-day a very prominent consideration that enjoys universal support and practice. Never before were health matters so top on everybody’s agenda. It is also very true that sometimes this attitude is lacking in the younger cohorts, who would give up good health in exchange for a few short periods of artifically generated happiness.

Visits to clinics, seeking expert advice and second opinions, and an innumerable items on a long health list are household topics. Blood testing for cholesterol, diabetes, kidney performance, not to mention breast screening, are all valid health promotion challenges. The list is simply never exhaustive.

Generally speaking, everybody strives to achieve or maintain better health. And the older one grows, one will go to the end of the world to ameliorate one's health condition. We are careful about our diet, we do sports to keep fit, we indulge in mental fatigue to keep alert, we refrain from tobacco, alcohol and dangerous drugs to sail away from treacherous reefs, and we do all that is humanly possible to keep in good health.

Truly enough, everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die, is a contradition to reality.

Refer to my welcoming message, in verse form, at my portal at which attempts to reveal the truth about health matters.

The story of Nemo is well known. During one of his latest visits to his favourite clinic and health monitoring agency he was asked:
“We can trace a slight deterioration in your general health. Have you been drinking heavily lately ?”
“I never drink at all,” was the prompt reply.
“But do you smoke?”
“Never touched tobacco in my life.”
“Right. But what are your relationships with your partners ?"
“Within very reasonable limits!”
“Dear Nemo. Take our advice. Go out there and try to catch up on what you have been missing all these years!”

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