
My mother placed me in an educational institution when I was five, and I remained in one ever since! However, much learning is available away from organised set-ups. Sharing experiences is a wonderful human activity.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Even the Prince of Denmark was not sure what to do. He thought thoroughly and at length what was 'to be' or 'not to be.'

Controversies are as old as the mountains. But they belong to humans. In other areas they are settled by sheer brute force, strength in numbers, survival and might. Not so with people, though the oldest biblical controversy was settled on no uncertain terms. Indeed, a tough way for starters.

But given that the human mind is presumably operated through intelligence, intellect, reason, logic and calculation, controversies enjoy a much higher rank. The resolution of conflicting controversies is consequentially more difficult and lacrimatory to arrive at, but the results are thrilling experiences.

Unfortunately, intellectual and other qualities, do not always manage to identify solutions which are absolutely satisfactory and welcome to one and all. It is a very relative business. A seemingly very equitable solution may be so to Peter but not to Paul. Robbing one to pay the other is unfair and unsatisfactory.

The function of an arbiter becomes indispensable. Still, it is difficult to find one that can be trusted with holistic infallibility and completely neutral.

Those with vested interest in the matter, or having controversial views, or prejudiced, both for or against, are logically eliminated from the list of the best apparent judges. But is it at all possible to discover a brain that is not in any way biased on a particular matter under consideration ?

It is indeed very difficult to pass a judgment on other people's actions and sometimes also on one's own. In his monologue, Hamlet, weighs and re-weighs all the alternatives. But it is doubtful whether he did in fact come to an emotionally balanced settlement.

This is only but to quote an instance where a controversy is obvious. Many other instances that are occurring continuously within our sights are legion.

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