
My mother placed me in an educational institution when I was five, and I remained in one ever since! However, much learning is available away from organised set-ups. Sharing experiences is a wonderful human activity.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Geniuses seem to have become a rarity. Their appearance has been shrined in history texts. The time when a sole individual under his or her own steam managed to make important discoveries belong to the past. We are the losers.

Still, to-day, many unknowns are explained, albeit through collective efforts. This is evident in most areas of study: medicine, space, technologies, machines and many more. This is not to mention recent solutions to age old problems. The better brains are managing to approach projects in a team, providing space for many to fit in a group that suits their aspirations and specializations. Areas prone to discoveries are subdivided into smaller teams with specific objectives. This is proving to be more productive.

End results often depend on the efforts of the group and its leaders, and on the efficiency of the pooling of ideas. In this collegial way the results arrived at would be marvellous.

It does not mean that there is no more room to-day for geniuses. Far from it! But it seems that the practice of specialization has produced experts in smaller units of study. The cultivation of teamwork approaches has therefore become more focused and consequently more prolific.

Needless to enumerate the many recent discoveries and developments made that are the result of this evolutionary process.

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