
My mother placed me in an educational institution when I was five, and I remained in one ever since! However, much learning is available away from organised set-ups. Sharing experiences is a wonderful human activity.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Summer madness.

One does not need to wait for mid-summer nights to dream.

Summer is dreaming time. Last minute programmers and planners decide and plan the holiday of their imagination during summer. But it is also during summer that projects conceived much earlier come to maturity. Putting the finishising touches and decorative colours in summer to dreams enjoyed during much earlier seasons, is a natural follow-up.

During summer vacations we all go for our winter dreams. It is true that a vacation is not necessarily successful only in summer-time, but given that the expectations for favourable weather conditions are high during the July-August period, scheduling a holiday for the summer months is very sensible. Other considerations make this thinking more plausible. Businesses enjoy a shut-down period during summer, though this varies depending on temperatures in countries in different geographical locations. Longer days lend themselves well to reap the most of hectic activites.

Say, Mediterranean countries with temperatures soaring into the thirties forties centigrade host the greater number of their most prosperous guests during summer. Though it is not wise to generalise, however the perception holds that most countries round the globe enjoy their lion’s share of tourism during the summer months.

Summer intimate encounters, firmly bonded by long dancing nights and sumptuous dinners, meeting more pleasant people in different corners of the globalised world, breaking old friendships to settle for new ones, are, in fact, only a few of the adventures that the summer period offers. The list is too long to be axhaustive. Very often, perhaps most unfortunately, these projects and others like them, fizzle out as soon as the sun-tan loses its tint.

Truly, meeting people has been facilitated due to the world’s gaining a hamlet status, and, of course due to the prolific use of the internet, which only leaves personal contacts to consolidate cyber friendaships and acquaintances. It goes without saying that there are a few minuses to this behaviour, such as the proliferation of diseases which start as localised illnesses and end up as pandenemics, easier accessibility to dangerous substances, and the pursuit of excessive dangerous activites.

Very sadly summer madness sometimes lead to disasters. Looks like countries are not yet well equipped and resourceful enough to cater for very large numbers of visitors. Means of travel, catering, accomodation and other items that are ancillary to tourism leave a lot to be dsired. This will be the ruin of the most colourful dreams, not to mention waste of time and money.

On the other hand, culture bent individuals strive to maximize on their summer madness and enhance their self-development. Visitng cathedrals, museums, art and craft exhibitions, attending courses the themes of which never crossed their imaginations befoe, and indulging in tournaments involving the sport of their liking, are again a few examples.

The relation between summer madness and human behaviour is too much highlighted to go unnoticed.

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