
My mother placed me in an educational institution when I was five, and I remained in one ever since! However, much learning is available away from organised set-ups. Sharing experiences is a wonderful human activity.

Wednesday, August 08, 2012


“Of course, you cannot go strolling on the road in the nude.”

“Only the natives in the forest can !”

“You must make an effort to prepare food, unless you want to starve to death !”

“But others have their food growing on trees only a few steps away to grab  and feast !”

“Do hurry up if you do not want to miss your train.”

“Others stroll at ease to catch the camel !”

“Making love needs thorough preparation with strings attqched.”

“Elsewhere it is free and frequent without strings attached.”

Naturally the Banana League of Decency looks with penetrating eyes into these matters. But only in civilized locations. This brings the discussion on the rigidity or flexibility of the ethics code of values, and its interpretaion.

In the civilized world as we know it, citizens live to the third and sometimes to the fourth age. Elsewhere life expectancy is much less. Dwellings are better equipped to stand weathering in organised locations. Past is the use of caves as homes, animals  as beasts of burden, raw greenery instead of deliciously cooked meals.

The choice is:

(a)   Live in hermitage without constraints, or

(b)   Live in civilization with all the constaints and challenges.

The choice is yours. What is it ?

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