
My mother placed me in an educational institution when I was five, and I remained in one ever since! However, much learning is available away from organised set-ups. Sharing experiences is a wonderful human activity.

Monday, November 23, 2009


Bright eyes.

What is at the back of the mind is upfront in the eyes.

Looking thoroughly through people’s eyes it is possible to read the inner deep thoughts that are usually imprinted in the brain. Therefore, it is no use trying to cheat because the truth is as clear as crystal written in one’s eyes. It is sometimes also possible to guess one’s frame of mind or health status through the eyes. Even when they are loaded with hundreds of chemicals hidden in heavy make-up, senntiments are clearly mirrored in the eye.

And this not a simple feat. The cornea, the aqueous humour, the eyelens, the vitreous humour, the optic nerve, the sclera and the ciliary muscles all function in perfect unison to pass on impressions to the brain, which reflects back its data to the front of the eye.

Impressions are more evident when they are reflected to the front screen when the subject is giving out first reactions in a variety of events. There is a lot of truth in first reactions. They are the outcome of inner judgment given an external manifestation. Other facial designs complete the readable body-language. And this applies to all hues and colours of the eye.

However, through practice, we learn to wink to shroud our feelings, and act in many different ways to conceal truth. One may ask:
“How do the eyes react when one is lying?”

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