
My mother placed me in an educational institution when I was five, and I remained in one ever since! However, much learning is available away from organised set-ups. Sharing experiences is a wonderful human activity.

Thursday, September 28, 2006


With some differences here and there, upwards and downwards, all humbeis started their existence in practically the same way.
  • why is it therefore that there are so many differences in attitudes;
  • in beliefs;
  • in standards and values;
  • in wealth;
  • in strength;
  • in intellect and its potentialities.

Some are prone to blame culture, accident, environment, geographical confines, and communities, besides many other factors, for the equation for all this.

How far do you agree?

After harbouring these thoughts for a while, you may want to return to my site at

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Humbei events.

I really wanted to call this piece "Man events" but being unable to discover a title to include both males and females without using a gender oriented word, I tried to create a new approach. Both men and women are human beings, in fact the term is only used to indicate this species; therfore, coining up the first syllables I arrived at "humbei" for singular, and "humbeis" for plural.

Of course, there may be other new words, and even perhaps better ones.

The actors on the world stage to-day are humbeis. It does not necessarily follow that there has been any marked improvement in the events taking place all around us. The opposite may be the case.

However, leaving aside, for the time being the negative shadows of world events, humbies are responsible for many benevolent activities, they heal the sick, they take care of the poor, they educate their fellow humbies in schools in straw-roofed classrooms, they voluntarily exile themselves from their native countries to help others in greater need, they conquer space, they lead congregations to worship. In a nutshell, they try to cultivate the best of human relationships, which funadmentally are the universal better qualities of all humbeis. Or they undoubtedly should be without any reservations !

These are the qualities that make humbies supreme. At least on this small place of ours we call Humbei Earth!

You may return to my site at

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


Whether survival of the fittest, or might is right, or the end justifies the means, or the jungle rule, or the theory and ptactice of double standards, or a cocktail of all, for that matter, is still the order of the day, is a moot point.

Looking around in the nooks and crannies of the globe, there is ample evidence of the application of these ‘Princely’ machiavellies. The practice widens to an exaggerated divide the dichotomy of the ‘have-s’ and the ‘have-nots.’ There are those who have plenty, and those who are starving; there are those who wallow in freedom, and those who wriggle in slavery; there are those who have faith in rulers and those who are suspicious of leaders, of double thinkers and treble talkers! The list is too long to be really exhaustive.

Hardly a day passes without witnessing through the eyes of the omnipresent subjective media a myriad of examples illustrating bitter human experiences. Just draw up a list on any random day of factual occurences of suffering, atrocities, hunger, elimination of the innocents, and so on………….! Just name it.

What can we do to change all this? We can do much. As a starter, I shall look at my neighbourhood and try to help all those in need. Whether material help, psychological help, or any other help, help should always be appreciated.

More later.

My home webpage is at

Monday, September 11, 2006


Do we really live in a world governed by contraditions?
It seems that there is some truth in contradicitions! One cannot deny that "everybody wants to go to a better after-life, but really nobody wants to die!" and that "money is the root of all evil, but nobody throws it away!"
On the other hand, looking at a human growth from the cradle to the grave, the process highlights some contradicitons, too! Given that the two main constituents that make a human being, body and 'soul' or any other name to refer to the psyche, the brain, the intellect, etc..., noticeable growing factors become evident. While the physical equipment with which the human body is endowed, reaches its maturity in early adulthood, the brain is still very far beyond maturity. In fact it becomes thoroughly mature very much in senility. Perhaps, that's why it was believed that the young must fight for their country, and only govern it when senior citizens, at which time the body loses most of its strength, agility and firmness.
Body and soul are never at optimum status together: either one is strong and the other childish, or mentally equipped and bodily infirm.
This train of thought might end with absurdities: why is it not possible to reserve some of the cold wintry breeze for the long hot summer days; or summer high temperatures are not shared with icy wintry weather ? Or getting hoardes of wealth when one doesn't need it ?

For more depth please go back to my homepage at

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Fact and/or fiction !

"What is truth?" and when he said this, he went out....
Obviously, this is an open-ended question, applicable to many situations, with hardly ever a definite answer. What is believed to be the truth may be infestd with shades of meaning, with perceptions,perspectives and mental restrictions.That is why a slight editing in a clip, a sly innuendo or an intentional bias creates, sometimes, havoc in human relationships. It is evident that the objective behind a source makes all the difference, and may 'lead' to mis'leading'. Given a generally docile human nature we all believe what we hear. And the slogans that come first are taken easily for granted. First impressions last longer!
Considering that even seemingly scientific absolutes lose much credibility when tested. What seemed so clear, so undeniably precise lost much of its power when the question of relativity came into focus.
Is it at all possible, then, to sieve the wheat from the chaff ?
What do you think ?

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